Tour of Portsmouth with PCSS Adventure Club

Final trip of the term with the PCSS Adventure Club. We took a tour of Portsmouth/ walked around and then went to the beach.

Boiling Lake Hike

My first trip to the Boiling Lake last summer. Took forever to get there. Pretty quick coming back.

Turtle Watching… Rosalie Bay

A visit to Rosalie Bay to see the Leatherback turtles. Unfortunately we did not get to see the mother turtles because it was alte in the season. Still got to see the babies though. We did get to sleep on the beach and see the sunrise.

Dinner… I think I have a gas leak

So I had a gas leak, twice. Once I didn’t know. But in between my gas leaks I made a few meals.

Athletics practice with the distance runners

These were taken at a regular practice with the distance runners. The team the progress pretty well and the runners are improving on pace to be ready for competition in the spring.

Waterfall and Kalinago Villege with Pichelin Primary

These pictures are from the end of the year trip with the students at Pichelin Primary. We got to visit a few attractions around the island.

Prize Giving Ceremony at Pichelin Primary School

These are pictures from last year prize giving ceremony (awards) at Pichelin Primary. It is also the graduation of the 6th graders as they move on to secondary school.

Segment 3 Hike with Pichelin Primary

At the end of last school year I went on a hike of Waitukubuli National Trail Segment 3 with the older students from Pichelin Primary.

Market and Waterfall with the French group

Pictures from a trip around the island with a camp from Guadeloupe.

4-H project at Pichelin Primary School

Pictures from the making of the 4-H project last school year at Pichelin Primary. We made a model of a Kalinago Village. The native people of Dominica.